Scholarship Program
The PruittCares Foundation is now accepting scholarship applications for students pursuing a career in the healthcare industry. The application window closes April 15.
Pressing Forward in Difficult Times

By Chaplain Daryl Anderson
Jesus saith unto him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk.
- John 5:8
The story is told of Jesus entering Jerusalem, after the feast of the Jews. Now there is in Jerusalem by the Sheep Gate a pool, which is called in Hebrew, Bethesda , having five porch. In these lay a great multitude of sick people blind, lame, paralyzed, waiting for the moving of the water.(John5:2-3 ). The name of the pool derived form the Hebrew which means house of mercy or house of grace. It was a place of disgrace due to the condition of the illness that was seem there on a daily base. The place have five porches that each day people would wait for the an angel to come down at a certain time into the pool and stirred up the water, then whoever stepped in first, after would receive their healing. Jesus entered bye the sheep gate at that time, this was called the Sheep Gate, because it was where sheep were brought to the Temple for sacrifice. It is now the Lamb of God that enters through that gate to offer healing to this man of thirty-eight years.
The story continues with Jesus asking the man "Do you want to be made whole/well?". This man avoided the question and immediately begun to give excuses, why he could not get well. Today issues
of life can leave us stress, depress, and ill with so many uncertain times. It is easy to sit back and wait for a miracle to happen in ones life . We must understand at the pool there were others there with issues, and all were waiting for the moving of the water. But out of all those there Jesus chose him to set up for a blessing. Maybe it wasn't because his faith was stronger than anyone else, or he was so righteous than others. It could have been that God grace was being usher in for all mankind. And Jesus went to the
least of them to show us today no matter what we are going through in life that Gods, healing grace is sufficient.
After all of his excuses, Jesus said to him, "Rise, take up your bed and walk." And immediately the man was made well, took up his bed and walk." (John,5:8-9). Each facet of our human nature is being tried today. One may be feeling well in their body, but the mind and spirit is being tested. It is not enough
just to be strong in one area and the rest of our life is hurting. Today the question is still being asked will you be made whole? What your excuse!
Prayer:" God grant us the wisdom and understanding to move pass those things that are stressing us out. And heal our body, mind and spirit that we can handle the issues of this present day life!
In God’s presence, in the shelter of the Most High, we can be ourselves. Why shouldn’t we, though? He created us and already knows everything about us. So what, then, does He want from us? He wants our attention to His voice and our participation in His plan. Whatever else is needed in our lives will be provided…in the shadow of the Almighty.